Blueberries, rye & sourmilk are quintessential Finnish flavours

“Mustikkakukko” is a rye crusted blueberry pie originating from the Northern Savonia area in Finland where my family is from. This drink with blueberries, rye & sourmilk was actually the very first drink I designed for a cocktail menu in the first bar I worked in 2012 and it has followed me in many forms ever since. 
Blueberries, rye & sourmilk are quintessential Finnish flavours

Blueberries, rye & sourmilk. Those are some quintessential Finnish flavours and they make up this summery Nordic drink. 

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“Mustikkakukko” Blueberries, rye & sourmilk 1 cocktail

4 cl rye whiskey

4 tbs fresh blueberries

8 cl sour milk

2 cl barley malt syrup (brödsirap)

2 cl freshly squeezed lemon juice

Measure whiskey and bilberries into a cocktail shaker. Crush the bilberries. Add all the other ingredients and ice. Shake until cold and pour through a double sieve into a highball glass. Finish with ice and garnish with fresh blueberries.

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Laura Hujanen


Instagram: @lauramariphoto